A highly powerful export sector leveraging significant agricultural production capacity. Turkish agriculture ranks high in numerous vegetable productions. Livestock benefits from a large herd of sheep, goats, and cattle supporting a developed dairy sector and leather industry.
Europe's 4th largest automotive industry and the leading producer of commercial vehicles on the continent. Turkey hosts over 480 Tier-1 suppliers and 159 R&D centers in the sector. The automotive ecosystem is well-developed, with major OEMs, subcontractors, and international suppliers present. Through technology transfer and skill enhancement, Turkey has realized a 60-year-old dream: developing its own automobile brand (TOGG), with the commercialization of its first model, the T10x, commencing in March 2023.
Besides exporting its own brands, Turkey has established itself as a significant manufacturer for international groups (e.g., Inditex, Hugo Boss, etc.). Textiles rank in the top 5 export sectors of the country, with Turkey being the 4th largest exporter of denim (fabrics and apparel).
Defense: As NATO's 2nd largest army by personnel, defense represents a highly strategic market for Turkey, aiming to equip its armed forces with cutting-edge war materials and equipment.
Except for coal, Turkey relies heavily on fossil fuels, with 83% imported. In a strong bid for independence, Turkey's energy market presents abundant opportunities, from nuclear projects to the discovery of gas fields and the expansion of renewable energies.
Machine Tools
This sector constitutes a significant portion of trade between Turkey and Europe. Machine tool exports totaled USD 23 billion last year, with 60% going to the EU and the US. The most dynamic segments were HVAC and transportation equipment.
Turkey, with a highly connected consumer base, is just beginning its "smart" era and is banking on Industry 4.0 to organize its industrial production means to become an exporter of value-added products.
Turkey excels in plastic production, making it Europe's 2nd largest producer. However, the sector heavily depends on imports, making Turkey the world's 2nd largest importer of petrochemical products.
Life Sciences
To meet growing local and international demand (medical tourism), Turkey is constructing 33 giant hospital complexes to add 43,000 additional beds. Demand for Medical Devices, 80% imported, is rising, with high-tech products (e.g., diagnostic imaging devices) being the largest category of imports.
Transport & Infrastructure
The Turkish government pursues an active policy on major projects and mega-projects to develop existing transport infrastructure. Transport investments are set to reach USD 200 billion by 2053.
> Non-exhaustive list of sectors; export opportunities are also present in many other sectors. Contact us to learn more
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