DEFENSE NEWS - Commissioning of the New-Type Submarine TCG PİRİREİS – 26.08.2024

August 26, 2024

DEFENSE NEWS - Commissioning of the New-Type Submarine TCG PİRİREİS - 26.08.2024

On August 24, 2024, a commissioning ceremony for the submarine TCG PİRİREİS (S-330) took place at the Aksaz Naval Base (Marmaris). This vessel is the first of six submarines in the REİS class, built as part of the YTDP project (Yeni Tip Denizaltı Projesi, New-Type Submarine Project).

TCG stands for "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Gemisi" (Ship of the Republic of Turkey). PİRİ REİS is the nickname of PİRİ HACI Mehmet, a famous 16th-century Ottoman admiral known for his cartographic work.

During the same ceremony, the following milestones were also announced:

  • The raising of the flag and the commencement of sea trials for the second REİS-class submarine, TCG HIZIRREİS (S-331), expected to be commissioned in 2025;
  • The outfitting in the dock of the third submarine of the same class, TCG MURATREİS (S-332), with sea trials expected in 2025 and commissioning in 2026;
  • The opening of the Aksaz military shipyard, intended to execute projects led by ASFAT (Military Factory and Shipyard Management Corporation);
  • The commissioning of three fuel tankers, YAKIT-2 (Y-161), YAKIT-3 (Y-162), and YAKIT-4 (Y-163), built by the DESAN-ÖZATA consortium. The first of these tankers, YAKIT-1 (Y-160), was already operational before the ceremony;
  • The commissioning of a 3,000-ton floating dock for submarines.

The commissioning of the last three REİS-class submarines, TCG AYDIN REİS (S-333), TCG SEYDİ ALİ REİS (S-334), and TCG SELMAN REİS (S-335), is expected in 2027, 2028, and 2029, respectively.

The importance of the YTDP project and the opening of an additional military shipyard within the Ministry of National Defense is underscored by the presence of the President of the Republic, Mr. Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, the Minister of National Defense, Mr. Yaşar GÜLER, and the Commander of the Naval Forces, Admiral Ercüment TATLIOĞLU, at the ceremony.

The YTDP project was launched on June 22, 2005, by decision of the Defense Industry Executive Committee (SSİK). Five companies initially purchased the tender [ARMARIS (France), FINCANTIERI CANTIERI NAVALI ITALIANI S.P.A. (Italy), HDW/MFI (Germany), LOCKHEED MARTIN MARITIME SYSTEMS & SENSORS (USA), and NAVANTIA S.A. (Spain)]*, but after the deadline was extended, only DCNS (which had taken over ARMARIS activities), HDW/MFI, and NAVANTIA S.A. submitted concrete proposals to the Defense Industry Undersecretariat (SSM) on November 12, 2007.

On July 22, 2008, the Defense Industry Executive Committee (SSİK) decided to start negotiations with the German company HDW/MFI (Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft GmbH / Marine Force International), selected for the quality of their offer. The agreement between SSM and HDW/MFI was signed on July 2, 2009, and took effect on June 22, 2011. It involves the construction of six anaerobic propulsion submarines (Air Independent Propulsion – AIP) of the 214TN class at the Gölcük military shipyard, though the idea of 212-class submarines had been discussed. These submarines will feature modern combat systems and the ability to operate submerged for two weeks, avoiding detection due to low thermal and acoustic signatures.

With Turkey's exclusion from the JSF program, where the lead contractor is American, the YTDP remains the last major Turkish defense project led by a foreign contractor. The subsequent MilDen (Milli Denizaltı, National Submarine) project has already been assigned to the Gölcük military shipyard based on experience gained through the YTDP project. Accordingly, as requested during the signing of the agreement, approximately 30 Turkish companies are involved in 81% of the program, including HAVELSAN, ASELSAN, ROKETSAN, GÜRDESAN, SİRENA MARINE, AYESAŞ, METEKSAN, STM, KOÇ BİLGEM, ARITAŞ, İ-MARİNE, TÜBİTAK, İDEAL, and MİLSOFT. Some, like ATLAS, are partners with German companies. Other foreign companies, such as RAYTHEON, are also involved in the project.

Given its estimated cost of 2.06 billion euros and the need to carry out other priority defense programs, the YTDP is among the Turkish defense programs financed by foreign loans. An agreement for a loan of 1.878 billion euros over 21 years, with 85% as export credit, was signed between Turkey's Undersecretariat of Treasury (before the Turkish state reforms) and a consortium led by Bayerische Landesbank. The agreement included a low-interest loan with a 7-year grace period before repayment begins. Another loan agreement, valued at 309 million euros, was signed with a consortium led by WestLB AG [London branch] to prepay 15% of the total amount required to activate the project.

The project was expected to be completed 13 years after its signing on July 2, 2009, by July 2, 2022, at the latest. As a result, TCG PİRİREİS is two years behind the original schedule, and the last submarine, TCG SELMAN REİS, is now scheduled for delivery in 2029, representing a 7-year delay. Considering the adjusted timelines decided during the program, the delivery of TCG PİRİREİS was expected 62 months after the first welding ceremony on October 8, 2015, meaning it should have been delivered by December 8, 2019, which indicates a delay of nearly 4 years and 8 months. Since the TCG PİRİREİS launching ceremony was held on December 22, 2019, and sea trials began on January 3, 2023, the deadlines had already been exceeded. Consequently, TKMS (ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AG, formerly HDW-MFI) had to pay penalties estimated at 2 million euros. It is worth noting that the successive delays can be attributed to project modifications requested by the Turkish Navy, such as increasing the submarine’s length from 66.30 to 67.60 meters, and the class name evolving from CERBE to REİS.

A REİS-class submarine has a crew of 27 members and can accommodate an operational team of 11 members. Key specifications include a surface displacement of 1,860 tons (2,013 tons submerged), a surface speed of 10 knots (20 knots submerged), and a range of 420 nautical miles submerged at 8 knots. The submarine is equipped with an LPI (Low-Probability-of-Intercept) radar, ISUS-90/72 integrated mission management system, and a multi-tactical data link system (links 11/22). It has eight 533 mm torpedo tubes capable of launching heavy torpedoes (Mk48 ADCAP Mod6 AT or AKYA) and anti-ship torpedoes (UGM-84A Harpoon Block II ASM or ATMACA). The potential deployment of IDAS (Interactive Defense and Attack System for Submarines) and cruise missiles is also being considered.

* Some sources claim that a Russian company also purchased the tender.

Article written by Patrice MOYEUVRE, General Officer in 2s of the French Air and Space Force, researcher at IRIS and Director of defense and security projects within Advantis.

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