Among the 2015 exhibitors present at Eurosatory 2024, with a significant increase in participation compared to the 2022 session, were 51 Turkish companies, including the joint-stock company MKE (Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi), the historic Turkish manufacturer of weapons, ammunition, and explosive materials. Among the hundred pieces of equipment displayed at its stand, the MPT-76 and Bora-12 rifles, according to the specialized press, attracted a great deal of attention from visitors.
The MPT-76 program (MPT stands for Millî Piyade Tüfeği, national infantry rifle) was signed on January 22, 2009, between the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM, now SSB) and MKE, the prime contractor. A separate contract was signed on the same day between MKE and KALEKALIP, a subcontractor.
The goal of this program is to develop and produce, with national capabilities, a modern 7.62 mm caliber assault rifle. This weapon, developed based on the experience gained by operational units, is intended to gradually replace the 500,000 to 600,000 Heckler & Koch G3 and HK33 rifles in service since the 1970s in the Turkish Armed Forces. A lighter version, the MPT-76MH (M for MKE), is planned to meet the specific needs of certain missions.
Three prototypes were initially designed, two of which were rejected by state services.
The Army, Navy, and Gendarmerie (which at the time was under the General Staff of the Armed Forces) were primarily equipped with this new weapon. The Turkish Army received its first 200 MPT-76 rifles on May 9, 2014, once the 42 NATO certification tests were completed in November 2013. After a national testing period conducted at the Isparta Mountain Commando School, the series production contract between the SSM and MKE was signed on July 2, 2015. It came into effect on November 23 and series production began in May 2016.
On January 11, 2017, the first 500 series-produced weapons were handed over to the Turkish Armed Forces during a ceremony organized at MKE's factory in Kırıkkale. On the same day, SARSILMAZ joined KALEKALIP as the second main subcontractor to increase, according to SSM's wishes, the annual production rate of the MPT-76 to a volume between 25,000 and 30,000 units. The distribution key for the first 45,000 weapons to be produced was 20,000 for MKE, 15,014 for KALEKALIP, and 10,000 for SARSILMAZ. Notably, SARSILMAZ also produces a lighter version of the rifle named MPT-76SH (S for SARSILMAZ).
Among the local SMEs/ETIs involved in the program is AKDAŞ, which manufactures the AK-40GL/GLX 40mm grenade launcher. The MPT-76 is exported, in the form of sales and donations, to several countries including Albania, Somalia, and the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus."
The JMK Bora-12 Kesin Nişancı Tüfeği program (JMK stands for Jandarma Makine Kimya, "MKE Gendarmerie" and Kesin Nişancı Tüfeği for sniper rifle) was launched to meet the needs expressed by the General Command of the Gendarmerie. Less emblematic than the MPT-76, as it is produced in smaller quantities, it does not receive much publicity from Turkish authorities but its effectiveness is proven, particularly in counter-terrorism operations.
Regarding exports, a contract was reportedly signed in August 2021, during the IDEF’21 arms fair in Istanbul, with the G5 Sahel joint force. Azerbaijan has also acquired more than 300 rifles.
MKE offers three other precision rifles: the KN-12 Keskin Nişancı Tüfeği, the KNT-76 Yarı Otomatik Keskin Nişancı Tüfeği (semi-automatic version), and, for penetrating certain armors, the MAM-15 Antimaterial Keskin Nişancı Tüfeği in 12.7 mm caliber.
Article written by Patrice MOYEUVRE, General Officer in 2s of the French Air and Space Force, researcher at IRIS and Director of defense and security projects within Advantis.
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