The Presidency of the Defense Industry of the Republic of Türkiye
(T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı – SSB) carried out a restructuring at the end of March 2024 to better address future challenges. The missions and responsibilities of the SSB, set by Presidential Decree
(Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararnamesi)
No. 7 published in the official journal on July 15, 2018, remain unchanged, with the latest amendment to the decree made on November 10, 2022.
Firstly, a Presidential Coordination Office
(Başkanlık Koordinasyon Ofisi) was established. Directly reporting to the President of the Defense Industry, Professor Dr. Haluk GÖRGÜN, it comprises 4 structures bearing the same office name:
- The Office for Information Management and Decision Support
(Karar Destek ve Bilgi Yönetimi Ofisi);
- The Office for Management of Foundation Subsidiaries and Holdings
(VBO ve İştirakler Yönetimi Ofisi). The foundation in question is the Foundation for Strengthening the Turkish Armed Forces
(Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini Güçlendirme Vakfı – TSKGV), with its 6 subsidiaries being ASELSAN, TUSAŞ (TAI), ROKETSAN, HAVELSAN, İŞBİR, and ASPİLSAN;
- The Office for Press and Digital Media
(Basın ve Dijital Medya Ofisi);
- The Office of the Private Secretariat
(Özel Kalem Ofisi).
Three out of five Vice Presidencies (Başkan Yardımcılıkları) of the SSB have undergone name changes:
- The Vice Presidency for Institutional Development and Values
(Kurumsal Gelişim ve Değerler Başkan Yardımcılığı) has been renamed as the Vice Presidency for Institutional Development and Talent Management
(Kurumsal Gelişim ve Yetenek Yönetimi Başkan Yardımcılığı);
- The Vice Presidency for Naval and Air Systems
(Hava ve Deniz Sistemleri Başkan Yardımcılığı) is now the Vice Presidency for Aeronautical Systems
(Havacılık Sistemleri Başkan Yardımcılığı);
- The Vice Presidency for Systems and Operations Support
(Sistem ve Harekât Destek Başkan Yardımcılığı) has become the Vice Presidency for Systems and Platforms
(Sistem ve Platform Başkan Yardımcılığı).
Regarding the offices directly subordinate to the Vice Presidencies:
- The Office for Strategic Systems and Space
(Stratejik Sistemler Uzay Daire Başkanlığı), previously under the Vice Presidency for Strategic Systems (which retains its name), is now the Office for Air Defense and Missile Systems
(Hava Savunma ve Füze Sistemleri Daire Başkanlığı);
- The Helicopter Office
(Helikopter Daire Başkanlığı), formerly under the Vice Presidency for Strategic Systems, has been transferred to the Vice Presidency for Aeronautical Systems (previously the Vice Presidency for Naval and Air Systems);
- The Operations Support Office
(Harekât Destek Daire Başkanlığı) and the Office for Information Systems and Cybersecurity
(Siber Güvenlik ve Bilişim Sistemleri Daire Başkanlığı) have moved from the Vice Presidency for Systems and Platforms (previously the Vice Presidency for Systems and Operations Support) to the Vice Presidency for Strategic Systems;
- The Naval Vehicles Office
(Deniz Araçları Daire Başkanlığı) has shifted from the Vice Presidency for Aeronautical Systems (previously the Vice Presidency for Naval and Air Systems) to the Vice Presidency for Systems and Platforms (previously the Vice Presidency for Systems and Operations Support).
Regarding the directorates under these offices:
- The Directorate for Satellite and Space System Projects
(Uzay ve Uydu Sistem Projeleri Müdürlüğü), formerly under the Office for Air Defense and Missile Systems, is now part of the Directorate for Information, Electronics, and Communication Systems
(Muhabere, Elektronik ve Bilgi Sistemleri – MEBS – Daire Başkanlığı) under the Vice Presidency for Systems and Platforms (previously the Vice Presidency for Systems and Operations Support);
- The Directorate for Relations with the Foundation (TSKGV) and Holdings
(Vakıf ve İştiraklerle İlişkiler Müdürlüğü) has been dissolved, and its personnel assigned to the newly created Office for Management of Foundation Subsidiaries and Holdings;
- Lastly, the Directorate for Financial Analysis
(Maliyet Analizi Müdürlüğü), previously under the Office for Strategy Development
(Strateji Geliştirme Daire Başkanlığı), and the Directorate for Project Monitoring and Reporting
(Proje Takip ve Raporlama Müdürlüğü), formerly under the Presidential Office, have merged to form the Directorate for Project Evaluation and Financial Analysis
(Proje Değerlendirme ve Maliyet Analizi Müdürlüğü) under the Strategy Development Bureau, which reports to the Vice Presidency for Strategic Planning and Industrialization
(Sanayileşme ve Stratejik Planlama Başkan Yardımcılığı), maintaining its name.
Article written by Patrice MOYEUVRE, General Officer in 2s of the French Air and Space Force, researcher at IRIS and Director of defense and security projects within Advantis.