Advantis Conseils

Tailoring Operational Solutions


Advantis Conseils

To sustain and secure the success of your investment, we pilot your operation with a turnkey management.

  • Advantis Conseils

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To guarantee your long term presence
To define your catchment area and the best location
To ensure compliance with the rules

Thanks to our highly qualified tax, accountancy and law experts, we analyse the pros and cons and define the best settlement type.

In order to guarantee your proximity to suppliers, customers while benefitting from tax and financial advantages, we analyse the ideal places to settle.

From the amendment of juridical status to getting the field-building exploitation permits, we pilot all your administrative procedures.

To optimise your budget

We analyse your rights and advantages and pilot the submission of demands for incentives and subsidies.

To sustain and facilitate your project

From the choice of suppliers to the recruitment of your employees, we always assist you and provide you with daily support.

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Vegetal Solutions
Advantis Conseils
Advantis Conseils

We decided to invest in Turkey in 2013, with a blank page and a story to build. We found the rare bird, with reactivity, availability. The skills are truly transversal, legal, accounting, choice of local partners, analysis of competitors, etc. With a network and connections to save us time and avoid making wrong choices. Four years have passed and our collaboration is still as efficient as in the beginning. Today we can say that without this close collaboration and mutual trust, we would not be in Turkey.


To sustain and secure the success of your investment, we pilot your operation with a turnkey management.

Market intelligence

To evaluate the potential, validate the feasibility of your project, define the penetration strategy and your local business action, we bring our multi sectoral competence in market intelligence.

Partner Qualification

Facilitate your expansion strategy by partnering with the best and right associate (agent, distributor, importer...).

Outsourced Sales Force

Entering a new market doesn’t require to establish a subsidiary or to dedicate a full-time resource ; that’s why we become your sales force, in a temporary or permanent basis, to be as close as possible to your customers.

HR Umbrella Services

We use our own infrastructure & locally-compliant employment contracts to hire your employee as an Employer of Record (EoR) so you can focus on running your business without any commercial structure cost.

External Growth

From screening to due diligence and from strategy analysis to negotiation, we support you in exclusivity and confidentiality.

Industrial Sourcing

In order to optimise your costs, we manage the strategic alliances with Turkish suppliers from the RFQ to SOP phases within complex and multicultural matrix environments and thus secure your suppliers in Turkey.

Economic Intelligence

We respond to your specific need with a tailor-made analysis of your problem.

Collective Solutions

You are a governmental promotion agency, an international chamber of commerce, a competitive cluster, an employer association, a delegation… Advantis provides solutions for your members and customers, animates and participates at your events about Turkey and offers you a tailored assistance for your business trips.

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